Istanbul Ministerial Statement
We the Ministers and Heads of Delegations assembled in Istanbul, Turkey, on 20-22 March 2009 on the occasion of the 5th World Water Forum, ‘Bridging Divides for Water’, are determined to address the global challenges related to water within the context of sustainable development. We, therefore …
Pacte d’Istanbul sur l’Eau
Pour les autorités locales et régionales
Réunis à Istanbul en mars 2009, nous Maires et autorités locales et régionales des différentes parties du monde adhérons au présent PACTE D’ISTANBUL SUR L’EAU en vue de développer des stratégies de gestion de l’eau mieux adaptées aux changements de notre planète...
Proposals emerging from “Parliaments for Water”
1. Right to water and sanitation should be recognized as a human right.
2. Call on Parliamentarians to request their Parliaments to develop legislation that would recognize the right to water and sanitation as a human right ....
People’s Water Forum Declaration – Istanbul, 2009
After Mexico City 2006, which was an important milestone of the continuous work of the global movement for water justice, we have now gathered in Istanbul to mobilize against the 5th World Water Forum. We are here to delegitimize this false, corporate driven World Water Forum and to give voice to the positive agenda of the global water justice movements...